

A software tool to analyse vegetation plots


ESTAR (Eco-Statistical Tool to Analyse Relevés) is a software tool to analyse vegetation plots (relevés). Input to ESTAR is a simple list of relevés. Output is a list with ecological information about each relevé, such as the division of each relevé into ecological classes for moisture regime (‘aquatic’, ‘wet’, ‘moist’ and ‘dry’) and the average indicator values for Salinity, Moisture regime, Nutrient-availability and Acidity (mS, mF, mN, mR, respectively). Moreover, on the basis of these indicator values, ESTAR produces estimates of soil pH, average groundwater depth, and other physical variables.

ESTAR has been used in several studies

The tool ESTAR was developed by KWR in 2014 and has since been used in several studies, for instance, to relate indicator values to environmental variables, to classify vegetation types, to model vegetation response to water management and climate change, and to map vegetation and habitat factors using remote sensing techniques.

Average moisture indicator value (mF) of vegetation plots in a nature area calculated using ESTAR

Average moisture indicator value (mF) of vegetation plots in a nature area calculated using ESTAR

Download tool and manual available

Use this link to download ESTAR. An ESTAR user manual (in English) is also available. Please contact Edu Dorland or Mark Jalink if you have questions about this tool.