Mark Jalink MSc

Mark Jalink MSc

  • Scientific researcher
  • 030-6069586
  • 06-27403633

Mark Jalink graduated from University of Groningen as a biologist in 1988 and has worked at KWR as an ecologist since then. Mark specialises in the link between vegetation, water balance, soil and water quality and monitoring all of those in nature areas all over the Netherlands. He developed and applied this knowledge in a wide range of research and advisory work for water companies, nature conservancies, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (formerly the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality), provinces and water board districts. He ran dozens of ecohydrological system analyses, for purposes including nature recovery plans, research into the impact of water collection on nature areas and Natura 2000. In doing so, he focuses not only on biotics, but also does a lot of research into hydrological and geohydrochemical processes. Mark (co)authored the book series ‘Indicatorsoorten’ describing the indication values of types of plants and vegetation for water level regimes, pH value and nutrient content. Together with colleague Runhaar, he put together the ecological requirements for vegetation types for the Set of Instruments for Drought and for Natura 2000. Mark put together overviews and properties of ecohydrological system types for clients including OBN and the province of North-Brabant. From 2008 – 2011, Mark worked temporarily at Staatsbosbeheer [State Forest Management] drawing up Natura 2000 management plans and PAS area analyses, and did so for the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel after that. Mark is a member of the OBN expert team on stream valleys.