
Resilience Management & Governance

Strategies for a resilient urban water cycle

The objective of our research is to understand and develop strategies for resilient water cycle services. We develop knowledge to make water governance more integrated, participatory, adaptive and anticipatory. We study future scenarios for the water cycle, governance processes that anticipate these scenarios and increase response capacity, and management strategies and tools for a directed transition to a resilient water cycle.

Futures studies

Our experts help the water sector recognise and strategically respond to future threats and opportunities. We signal and monitor trends, develop scenarios and discuss appropriate response strategies with the water sector. In this way, we provide direction to social developments in the water cycle.

Governance in the water sector

How can we achieve a governance process that anticipates future scenarios, reduces risks and increases response capacity? This question is at the heart of our research into the social and management aspects of collaborating with stakeholders in the urban water cycle. We help in the process of choosing the most effective form of collaboration and determining an own strategic role. We conduct research into participation processes and citizen engagement so that water utilities and Water Authorities can, for example, respond to the wishes of customers.

Management strategies and tools

We research management options and develop tools for a directed transition to a resilient urban water cycle. Using hydroinformatics, we quantify the impacts of (future) developments and calculate the technical management options. With City Blueprint, we assess the sustainability of the urban water cycle. The tool offers a starting point for a dialogue between the affected stakeholders for the purpose of defining the needed improvements.
