Water in the Circular Economy (WiCE)

Collective research programme at the interface of water, energy, raw materials and spatial planning

Water utilities and water managers play an important role in the transition to a circular economy in which there is no waste and raw materials are reused over and over again. However, the water sector faces major challenges if it is to accelerate its work in this area. Water utilities in the Netherlands and Belgium therefore initiated a multi-year research programme on Water in the Circular Economy: WiCE. WiCE focuses on issues relating to the circular economy, climate adaptation and the transition to sustainable energy supplies.

Our alliance

In WiCE, the drinking water utilities, Vewin and KWR work with partners in and around the water chain in the areas of water availability, climate, energy supplies and the circular economy. They collaborate at several levels: from local to national and, where appropriate, international. The studying and solving of challenges at the interface of water and societal agendas play a central role for WiCE. The collective research programme is leading to an understanding of the main challenges in society and the water sector’s role in them.

WiCE will concentrate on three focus areas during the 2024-2029 research period:

  • Water (efficiency and water reuse),
  • Raw materials (efficiency and reuse),
  • Water and Energy.

Integrated solutions

The transition to a sustainable society requires integrated solutions. WiCE projects therefore concentrate on issues that are linked to multiple domains such as water, energy and raw materials. Moreover, WiCE studies look at the development of the three types of knowledge needed to achieve a sustainable society. They are:

  • systemic knowledge, mostly knowledge about technical solutions at the interface of water, climate, energy and raw materials, and their impact on major transitions in society;
  • normative knowledge relating to the needs of different parties, balancing social values and the desired direction of change;
  • transition knowledge: knowledge about how to achieve changes in practice.

Collective research

WiCE is an initiative of the Dutch water utilities and De Watergroep in Flanders, in association with KWR and partners in and around the water chain. The programme is a part of the Joint Research Programme of the water utilities. In WiCE, water utilities work with water authorities, municipal and provincial authorities, knowledge institutes and the business sector.

Stay informed about WiCE

The growing number of projects in WiCE reflects the urgent demand for smart solutions focusing on circular water. You can find an overview on our site of the WiCE projects on water in the circular economy. Do you wish to stay informed? Sign up for our newsletter.

For BTO/WiCE participants

Participants in the BTO can be sure they will be kept up to date with the latest developments in water research and technology. Through BTO/WiCE-Net – a personal digital environment – they have access to publications, news and agendas. They also receive the digital newsletter, BTO News.

Do you work for one of the participating water utilities and do you want to keep up with all the developments? Go to BTO – Home (sharepoint.com) and register.
