
ETV supports market introduction of new environmental technologies

KWR available as independent Test Body

The European Commission aims to use the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) programme to remove hurdles to the market introduction of new environmental technologies. ETV offers an independent assessment of the performance characteristics of innovative technologies. KWR can act as a Test Body and carry out the tests that are part of the verification process.

For companies in the water and environmental sector, the successful introduction of an innovative technology to the market frequently presents a huge challenge. Since investments in technological solutions are expensive, and are long-term in nature, clients need reliable and compelling evidence on the performance of new technologies. The typical demonstration projects are often of limited value, because they are conducted and published by the suppliers themselves. For this reason it often takes years for new technologies to gain a foothold.

Independent tests with reliable results

In order to facilitate the market entry for innovative environmental technologies, the European Commission created the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) programme. ETV offers producers of innovative environmental technologies the possibility of having the performance of their product or technology verified by an independent, reliable third party, and to receive an accompanying ETV Statement of Verification. The EC aims in this way to promote the market introduction of circular and cleaner products, and reduce the technological risk for those who purchase or invest in technology.

The verification process

The process of verification is supervised by a Verification Body, an entity that is accredited by the EU (ISO 17020). The initiative to have a product verified by ETV is taken by the technology provider. The latter contacts a Verification Body, and they together establish a protocol to define the claims to be tested and data to be collected. An independent third party, a Test Body, is then contracted to carry out the tests. On the basis of the results obtained, the Verification Body then delivers and publishes a Statement of Verification.
The ETV is currently open for technologies in the following areas: Water Treatment and Monitoring, Energy Technologies or Materials, Waste and Resources. More information about the ETV is available here.

An overview of the verification process steps.


In the verification process KWR can perform the role of Test Body – the independent institute that verifies the performance characteristics of the technology. Joep van den Broeke, KWR’s contact person for ETV: ‘Apart from the right certification, KWR also has the right facilities, such as laboratories and a test facility. We also have the knowhow with which to work with a supplier and a Verification Body to ensure a reliable evaluation of a technology, sometimes at KWR itself, and, if larger pilot installations are needed, onsite as well.’

KWR has past experience with the ETV process. As a partner in the TESTNET project (Towards European Sectorial Testing Networks for Environmental Technologies) KWR was at the cradle of today’s ETV programme. In the EU ULTIMATE project, KWR will be involved in the verification of technologies that are demonstrated within the framework of the project. You can find more information about KWR and ETV here.

The ETV programme is an initiative within the framework of the European Commission’s Eco-Innovation Action Plan. It contributes to bringing about a circular economy through the promotion of green technologies.
