
Japanese delegation visits KWR for workshop on smart water networks

On Wednesday, 5 October, a delegation from Japan visited KWR to attend the workshop on “Smart Metering and ICT use in drinking water systems”. The group was made up of seven researchers and managers from the Japan Water Research Center (JWRC) and three large drinking water companies from the province of Kanagawa. The meeting also allowed the parties to become better acquainted within the framework of Watershare, which welcomed JWRC as a member earlier this year.

Peter van Thienen presented an overview of developments at KWR in the field of smart water research and applications. Joost van Summeren then explained the design and construction process of the pilot installation for smart water applications at Vitens. There followed an extensive and animated discussion of questions raised by the Japanese delegation, supported by real-time interpretation. The Japanese population is diminishing and, consequently, so too is water demand, which brings with it risks for water distribution, among other things. KWR can make a contribution in a variety of specialist fields to efforts to address these problems.
