

Multiple Value Creation

WiCE ‘Water in the circular city’ Roadshow

Event details

At several places in the Netherlands, citizens, companies and governments are working together on the development of circular, innovative and sustainable districts. They are not only implementing new technologies, but also new governance models and new lifestyles. Sometimes this involves new districts (Brainport Smart District or Oosterwold), and sometimes the transformation of existing ones (Superlocal or Koppelkansen Amsterdam). This often brings with it a new form of water management, with water conservation, decentralised treatment, rainwater use and adaptation to extreme weather conditions. The Water in the Circular Economy (WiCE) programme studies and supports these initiatives through action-oriented research.

Next autumn, the WiCE ‘Value in the Water Cycle’ theme participants, together with the Water Knowledge Action Programme, are organising a Roadshow to present the research results of the last few years, and to share knowledge and experience between the different practice projects. We will thereby bring together practice innovators, scientists and administrators, and provide a podium for innovative projects that have been worked on within the WiCE ‘Value in the Water Cycle’ theme in recent years.

You are warmly invited to participate in this Roadshow, which will be held at ‘Het Speelhuis’ in Helmond, on Tuesday, 26 November, from 10:00 to 16:00. Helmond is the home-base of Brainport Smart District, one of the research locations. The exact programme will follow in the weeks ahead.

Click here to register. 


Water plays an important part in the water-energy-food-climate nexus (the metabolism of the district), and is decisive for the realisation of the district’s circularity and sustainability ambitions.


Source: Brainport Smart District ©UNStudio, images by Plomp.