
No worries about Brisbane weather

GWRC has perfectly planned its 2016 meeting here in Brisbane. The weather is beautiful. But that is not always the case. Weather in Brisbane can show up in all extremes with huge impacts on the water supply as exemplified by the Australian GWRC colleagues. A couple of years ago big storms caused a serious supply crisis as the main water production plant was flooded by mud streams. As in most big cities in Australia, water for supplies is sourced from rainwater collected in dams.

A decade ago Brisbane nearly ran out of tap water because of a long lasting drought. As a response to this climate related event, the authorities in Queensland made a connection between the waste water treatment plant in Brisbane and the dam. A huge construction work with more than 200 km of pipes and several treatment works and pumping stations. Together with the desalination plant, Brisbane has now a climate resilient water supply. So no worries when GWRC organizes meetings in Brisbane in other seasons of the year.
