

KWR & Friends @ IWA Copenhagen

Evenement details

Tijdens het Wereld Water Congres & Tentoonstelling in Kopenhagen (11-15 september) is KWR traditiegetrouw aanwezig met een beursstand en een delegatie van onderzoekers en managementteamleden.

Onder het motto ‘KWR & Friends’ leggen we tijdens IWA 2022 de nadruk op onze jarenlange samenwerking met Nederlandse en Vlaamse waterbedrijven. In 2023 vieren we zelfs ons 40-jarig jubileum met hen! Tot onze vrienden rekenen we ook onze partners uit de Nederlandse, en internationale watersector, met wie KWR samenwerkt in Watershare en diverse andere netwerken.

Ontmoet onze Early Careers

Onze onderzoekers leveren een bijdrage aan de conferentie tijdens verschillende sessies gedurende de week. Op de stand van KWR gaan onze ‘early career’ onderzoekers Janine de Wit, Lisa Andrews, Nienke Meekel en Siddharth Seshan graag met u in gesprek. Zij zijn aanwezig tijdens onze side events en de informele koffiepauzes.

Events op vaste tijdstippen

Het KWR side programma draait om de thema’s Digitaal Water, Circulaire Economie en Waterkwaliteit & Gezondheid. Het heeft een vaste structuur; dagelijks vinden de events plaats op vaste tijdstippen: om 9.45, 10.00, 12.30, 15.00 en 17.00 uur. U vindt het complete programmaoverzicht hieronder.

Maandag, 12 september

09:45-10:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Coffee break networking with experts.
10:00-12:00 Side event, Ballroom 180 (Bella Sky Hotel)
Circular Economy: Taking stock of waste(water)
Discuss the value of and value in (waste)water with particular focus on creating systems solutions, symbiosis and value chains in the transition to a circular economy.
12:30-13:15 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Launch of the KWR Booth
Opening of the KWR Booth. Join for a taste of what is to come and discuss with KWR colleagues and friends circular economy, digital water, water quality & health, and more.
Special guests: Rob van Dongen (CEO Brabant Water) and Riksta Zwart (CEO Waterbedrijf Groningen)
15:00-15:45 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Intergenerational Dialogues: Circular Economy
Informal networking and discussions on how circular economy will evolve in the coming years, and more.
17:00-18:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Happy Hour – KWR, NWP & Friends Celebrate
Celebration with NWP, KWR colleagues and friends the collective efforts we have made in the field of research.
Special guest: Nienke Trooster, Ambassador Kingdom of the Netherlands in Denmark

Dinsdag, 13 september

09:45-10:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Coffee break networking with experts.
12:30-13:15 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
GWRC & KWR lunch event – Water Quality and Health: Wastewater Surveillance
Panel dialogue on the need for collaboration in the field of water quality & health, with stories from panel members on topics such as sewage surveillance, and more.
Jay Bhagwan, WRC South Africa; Dan Deere, Water Futures;Kate Medlicott, WHO; Joan Rose, Michigan State University; Stephanie Rinck-Pfeiffer, GWRC. Gertjan Medema & Nienke Meekel as facilitators
13:30-15:00 Workshop, Room B3a
How to build integrative, regional strategies for responsible water reuse?
Ruud Bartholomeus, Klaasjan Raat
13:30-15:00 Technical session, Room B3d
Micropollutants as emerging contaminants of concern
>> Presentation: Bioremediation of Rapid Sand Filters for Removal of Organic Micropollutants for Drinking Water Production.
Peer Timmers
15:00-15:45 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Intergenerational Dialogues: Water Quality and Health
Informal networking and discussions on how issues around water quality & health will evolve in the coming years, and more.

Woensdag, 14 september

09:45-10:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Coffee break networking with experts
10:30-12:00 Workshop, Room B3d
Digital Water: benefits and return on experience for the water sector.
Dragan Savic, Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, (Sid Seshan)
10:30-12:00 Workshop, Room B3g
The Road Towards Climate And Energy Neutral Water Utilities
Kees Roest
12:30-13:15 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Digital Water: Rapid Fire Question Contest!
Rapid fire question gameshow with panel members competing to answer questions on the topic of digital water.
Pieter Jan Haest, Innovation Project Manager, De Watergroep; Aitor Corchero Rodriguez, Senior Researcher, Eurecat; Riksta Zwart, CEO of Groningen Water Utility; Irina Pulyakhina, Data Scientist, RHDHV; Siddharth Seshan & Ina Vertommen facilitators
13:30-15:00 Workshop, Room B4a
Health Risk Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Water Systems.
Gertjan Medema
15:00-15:45 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Intergenerational Dialogues: Digital Water
Informal networking and discussions on how digitalization of the water sector will evolve in the coming years, and more.
15:45-17:15 Technical session, Room B4c
Fostering innovation and partnerships at utility level
>> Presentation: Effect-based Monitoring in Global Water Safety Planning.
Stefan Kools
17:00-18:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Watershare network drinks
Informal networking and discussion on circular economy, digital water, water quality & health, and inspired by key message from the Intergenerational Dialogues.

Donderdag, 15 september

09:00-09:45 Keynote, Room A1
Wastewater Gone Viral: Pandemic Signals From the Sewers.
Gertjan Medema
09:45-10:30 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Coffee break networking with experts.
10:30-12:00 Workshop, Room B3c
Microplastics from a water perspective.
Stefan Kools
12:30-13:15 KWR Booth, Booth No. C2-331
Lunchbreak networking with experts.