
COASTAR contends for De Vernufteling innovation award

The COASTAR knowledge programme is a contender for the De Vernufteling public award. Votes can be cast starting today. Koninklijke NL-ingenieurs, the engineering consultancy branch association that awards the prize, has already attributed an ‘honourable mention’ to COASTAR.

COASTAR is a contender for the De Vernufteling public award. Votes can be cast starting today through to 22 January via the NL-ingenieurs website. De Vernufteling is an innovation award for engineers. It is an initiative of the branch association, which for more than 100 years has been dedicated to the promotion of outstanding quality-guided undertakings in engineering consultancy.

Honourable mention

The COASTAR knowledge programme  received the ‘honourable mention’ because the project touches on all facets that the De Vernufteling values highly. With its mention, the association encourages the COASTAR organisation – a partnership of Arcadis, Deltares, KWR, governments and businesses in the low-lying areas of the Netherlands – to proceed to the large-scale realisation of a robust freshwater provision and drought control in coastal areas. This is the first time that the organisation of the De Vernufteling has attributed an honourable mention.

Freshwater provision

COASTAR develops a robust freshwater provision and drought control in coastal areas, so that future generations will also dispose of sufficient freshwater supply. The smart use of the subsurface plays a central role: for the subsurface storage of freshwater and through the use of brackish groundwater. The innovative COASTAR combines the provision of freshwater with a water management directed at containing salinisation, preventing flooding and controlling land subsidence.

COASTAR international

COASTAR was born in South Holland and is now growing to encompass the entire Dutch coastline. Moreover, international projects and explorations are underway, including in Chile and the Far East.

