Jolijn van Engelenburg PhD

Jolijn van Engelenburg PhD

  • Management Joint Water Sector Research Programme / DPWE
  • Project manager
  • 030-6069704
  • 06-54296285

Jolijn van Engelenburg is Programme Manager within the Joint Research Programme of KWR and the Dutch and Flemish water utilities, and of DPWE, the joint research programme for the dune water utilities (Dunea, PWN, Waternet and Evides). In the two programmes, KWR carries out research projects with the drinking water utilities concerned, with the aim of translating relevant societal and technological developments into research projects, which generate knowledge for the drinking water sector that contributes to a reliable and sustainable drinking water provision, today and into the future. Jolijn graduated in 1990 in hydrology (Wageningen University) and then worked as a water project leader at Arcadis (1990-1996). In 1997 she moved to Nuon Water/Vitens (1997-2021), where she was active as hydrologist, stakeholder manager and asset-management advisor. She was closely involved, among other activities, in the preparation and realisation of two infiltration projects in the Veluwe. In addition, Jolijn carried out doctoral research at Wageningen University (2016-2020) on the subject of a more sustainable drinking water provision in the Netherlands. The research focused on acquiring a better understanding of the complexity of a sustainable drinking water provision. To this end, she developed a framework of the elements that determine the sustainability of a local drinking water abstraction operation, and studied the hydrological and sustainability impact of compensatory measures. Thanks to the combination of this research experience and of many years of accumulated practical knowledge, Jolijn knows how to effectively connect science to practice, with the ultimate objective of contributing to a sustainable drinking water provision.