Year Review 2019

Four years’ research into smaller scale climate projections concluded


June of this year saw the conclusion of four years’ research under the Horizon 2020 BINGO project. More than 20 European partners carried out research into climate adaptation in six areas across Europe. They looked at the consequences and risks of extreme weather conditions and researched possible adaptation measures. The results will be used to produce better regional projections of the impact of climate change and better adaptation measures and have for example produced a better picture of the impacts on the groundwater in the Veluwe.

Researchers and professionals from all over Europe came to Lisbon for the final BINGO project meeting. Representatives from Cyprus, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands presented the latest results of four years’ research into the consequences of climate change and the scope for adaptation.

Groundwater in the Veluwe

KWR joined forces with Vitens and the Province of Gelderland to carry out research into better projections of the impact of precipitation on groundwater levels in the Veluwe. In addition to meteorological projections and measurements in the area itself, KWR conducted an experiment that involved recording the evaporation of water by different types of tree.

Adaptation measures

In addition to the research in the Veluwe, KWR took the lead in the research into adaptation measures. In conjunction with the German IWW and local research partners, adaptation measures were researched for each of the six areas that may provide an answer to the expected risks. Research has also been carried out into the social costs and benefits of the measures and the governance context in which they must be implemented.


The final BINGO meeting was held at the end of May, followed by a scientific conference devoted entirely to climate change adaptation (ECCA). The Veluwe research was concluded on 19 June with a symposium in Apeldoorn. KWR, Vitens and the Province of Gelderland presented their findings to a wide range of representatives of parties with an interest in the Veluwe. Various themes, such as the hydrology of the Veluwe and working in Communities of Practice, were discussed in detail in four subsessions.

Growing pressure on groundwater

The main conclusions for the Veluwe are that, while drought is a growing problem, the groundwater fluctuations over the next ten years will probably not be very different from the last 30. Rising tourist numbers, higher temperatures and a longer growing season are, however, increasing the pressure on the Veluwe. Measures to increase groundwater replenishment in the Veluwe will only be effective if they are introduced on a large scale, which requires wide-scale coordination with all the parties using the Veluwe and the groundwater beneath it.
