Year Review 2016

Limited public acceptance is the biggest obstacle to the serious scaling-up of water reuse

The European Commissions sees water reuse as an important means of overcoming (future) water shortages. The stimulation of innovation in the field of water reuse is at the centre of the EU FP-97 DEMOWARE project. KWR is researching the governance aspects in this project.

An international analysis of water reuse applications reveals that lack of public acceptance constitutes the biggest obstacle to the serious scaling-up of water reuse. Of particular importance is the level of public trust in the drinking water companies and the regulatory authorities. By creating the possibility for public participation, the frequently observed discrepancy between technical risk analysis and risk perception can be reduced. Read more about this at DEMOWARE and

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Gebrekkige publieke acceptatie grootste barrière voor serieus opschalen waterhergebruik
