Siddharth Seshan

Siddharth Seshan

  • Scientific researcher
  • 030-6069666
  • 06-15883975

Siddharth recently joined KWR in January 2020 as a Scientific Researcher and is part of the Industry, Wastewater and Reuse Team. Specifically, Siddharth is working on a Horizon2020 funded project called Fiware4Water. His research focusses on Intelligent Control for Wastewater Treatment, where he works closely with the water company Waternet and on the Amsterdam West Wastewater Treatment Plant. His research efforts involve identifying and developing data-driven methods and control strategies with an objective to minimize N2O emissions and energy demand at WWTP while increasing treatment efficiency through AI models and data fusion techniques, all with a strategy of deploying the smart data platform ‑ FIWARE. Additionally, the intention is to also pursue a PhD within this topic. Siddharth is originally from New Delhi, India and has completed a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering at The Ohio State University, U.S.A. He also holds a Master’s degree in Water Resources Engineering and Management (WAREM) from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Siddharth is a Young Professional Member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and was awarded the IAHR YPN-Kennedy Award in September 2019, representing the region of Europe. The award involved a travel grant to travel to the 2019 IAHR World Congress in Panama City, Panama.