
Jan Vreeburg appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter

Dr. Ir. Jan Vreeburg, principal scientist at KWR  and associate professor  of Urban Environmental Technology and Management at Wageningen University, was appointed, beginning 1 May 2016, Honorary Professor at the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University of Exeter[JA1] . He will be working in Professor Dragan Savic’s group, the Centre for Water Systems  on the further development of concepts for the urban watercycle, namely: the distribution of drinking water; and the collection, storage, transport, treatment and reuse of wastewater and rainwater.

Jan Vreeburg’s positions at the University of Exeter and Wageningen University reinforce the ties between these institutions and KWR. At the same time, the Exeter collaboration underscores the need for an international and integrated approach to urban water issues. Vreeburg’s tasks at Exeter will include sharing his extensive knowledge in the field of (aging) drinking water distribution networks with students and the English water industry. One focus of his work at Wageningen and KWR is the development of a wastewater system oriented towards resource recovery, a theme that will also be the subject of research and development at Exeter.
