

COAST seminar on analysis of water and environment

Event details

Thursday afternoon, 16 January 2020, COAST organizes a water analysis seminar, hosted by KWR in Nieuwegein. This time the seminar will focus on “microplastics” in water and the environment. In addition to this main subject, which forms the 1st part of the afternoon, several new or promising analytical techniques will be highlighted in the 2nd half of this seminar.

With an introductory keynote by Prof. Annemarie van Wezel (IBED/UvA), followed by a keynote on the uptake of microplastics in the human body by
prof. Juliette Legler (IRAS/UU), the stage is set for a series of very interesting presentations by experts in the areas of microplastics, environmental DNA, toxic contaminants (like PFAS) and other subjects.

The seminar aims present examples of state-of-the-art analytical science applied to drinking – and surface water, as well as to the areas of microbiology and environment.

Feel free to inform colleagues who might be interested: our list of expert speakers will certainly guarantee an attractive and informative program for people interested in the analysis of water and environment ! Please register in advance with an email to the COAST secretary: