
‘Power to X’ project brings residential districts that run on sunshine and rain a step closer

Successful completion of research project requires results to be translated into reality

A residential district can use solar power to meet enough of its residents’ energy, heating and mobility needs. What’s more, rainwater collection can provide part of their household water needs too. It also makes financial sense to take this approach, providing that certain criteria are fulfilled. The promising findings from the TKI Water Technology project ‘Power to X’ now need further development of the concept, including of the role to be played by water companies in this regard.

Solar panels and rainwater collection

A residential district with 900 houses that operates using solar panels and rainwater collection: this is achievable, according to a study carried out as part of the ‘Power to X’ project.


Power-to-X brengt woonwijken die draaien op zon en regen dichterbij

Een woonwijk kan op basis van zonnestroom voldoende voorzien in de behoefte aan energie, warmte en mobiliteit van de bewoners. Regenwateropvang komt deels tegemoet aan wat voor huishoudelijk water nodig is. En economisch gezien slaat de balans van deze aanpak onder bepaalde randvoorwaarden positief ...

  • TKI Watertechnologie
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